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Divorce and Financial Settlement Broadlegal Solicitors London Enfield

Divorce Law and Financial Settlement Potters Bar

We guarantee to work tirelessly to help you secure a fair and deserving outcome in your divorce and financial settlement in Potters Bar.

We are renowned for the family work we do.

Going through a divorce can be extremely stressful with a lot of uncertainties, but you are in safe hands. We offer you the best personal care with empathy and sensitivity at such a difficult time, and we guide you through every step of the process with a focus on obtaining the best outcome for you and your family.

With more than 30 years legal experience combined, our family law solicitors have particular expertise in navigating complex divorce cases involving significant assets in the UK and abroad including:

  • Business interests

  • Pensions

  • Investments

  • Property

  • Stocks and shares

  • Investment accounts or savings.

Let's Talk

Our experts are ready help you. 


Is your ex hiding assets or not forthcoming with financial information? We can help in Potters Bar.

Analyzing complex assets requires a high level of expertise. If you suspect that your ex is concealing assets in the or failing to provide financial and other information, if their business or property valuation 
appear undervalued, or if their reported income does not align with their lifestyle, our team of experts can assist you.

Our Services In Potters Bar

We advise on all aspects of divorce and financial settlement including:

  • Divorce, dissolution & separation

  • Civil partnerships

  • Financial remedy applications & injunctive orders such as freezing assets

  • Disclosure of assets, UK and abroad

  • Domestic violence & injunctive orders

  • Pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements  

  • Cohabitation & unmarried couples

If you feel anxious about protecting your assets in the UK or abroad and ensuring your future and the future of your children, we can help.

Divorce and Financial Settlement Broadlegal Solititors London Enfield

Our clients are based throughout the UK and internationally.

We regularly act for clients in Potters Bar, from a wide range of backgrounds and from all walks of life including high-net worth individuals and professionals.

Examples of our Divorce & Financial Settlement work

  • Broadlegal acted for a Respondent Husband in a complex high value financial remedy proceedings with significant business interest, multiple properties and bank accounts in the UK and India. In what was an extremely contentious and lengthy case, we advised the Husband and defended multiple interim applications made by the Wife alleging that our client was hiding bank accounts and properties in India.

    Working with a team of lawyers in India and with our expertise in forensically analysing assets, we also uncovered various hidden plots of land and other properties in India owned by the Wife, which were brought to the court’s attention. We argued that the Wife’s undisclosed assets be brought into the proceedings thereby affording our client a fair share of the matrimonial assets with a combined value in excess of £4.5 million including pensions.

  • We were instructed to act for a Respondent Husband in financial remedy proceedings whose Wife was claiming a share in three properties acquired during the marriage – the matrimonial home and two rental properties with a combined value of £1.5 million. The Husband argued that his parents owned 100% of the beneficial interest in the three properties and that the properties be excluded from the proceedings, notwithstanding that he held the legal title of the matrimonial home in his sole name.

    We were subsequently instructed to also act for the Husband’s parents, and we successfully made an application to the court to add them as intervenors in the proceedings to defend their beneficial interest in the properties. Following a 5-day trial with Chinese interpreters, the court made a judgment in our favour and declared that the Husband’s parents did, in fact, own the beneficial interest in the three properties and the properties were excluded from the financial remedy proceedings. In the end, there were no assets to divide between the Husband and the Wife and the matter was resolve by way of a clean break.

  • Broadlegal helped a mother (our client) block the sale of a property by her ex- partner following the end of their cohabitation. The property was in the sole name of the ex-partner, and it served as the family home during the couple’s cohabitation. Upon the breakdown of the relationship, our client moved out of the property and the ex-partner saw an opportunity to dispose of the property without the knowledge of our client. As soon as our client discovered that the property was being sold, we were immediately instructed and we urgently applied for the registration of a unilateral notice against the property, which stalled the sale. We successfully contended that our client was entitled to 50% of the net proceeds, particularly, as she contributed half of the deposit, and the matter was settled without court proceedings.

  • We acted for an ex-wife (our client) in a financial remedy matter involving a local authority. The ex-husband whose sole name was on the title register of the family home sold the property to a local authority ‘with vacant possession’ without our client’s knowledge, despite our client being in occupation of the property. Our client was unaware of the sale until the day of completion when an agent of the local authority attended the property to find our client in occupation. We urgently registered a restriction against the property in favour of our client, which prevented completion of the sale until we were able to negotiate a settlement sum for our client in excess of £140,000.00.

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