Wills, Trusts & Probate
Reliable and Expert Assistance for Probate, Wills, and Will Drafting Services.
A major life event often prompts individuals to reflect on their will and the future of their estate following their demise. Contemplating the arrangements for what happens after one's death can be an overwhelming task due to the complex matters involved. However, it is often advantageous to establish a will at any stage of life, particularly if you have a partner, children, or dependents to whom you intend to pass on your assets.
Our Probate lawyers are available to assist you with a range of services, including expert will drafting, inheritance tax planning, administration of a will, and guidance on contested wills. They will help you navigate your options to ensure that your family's future is safeguarded and your intentions are fulfilled.
Wills, Trusts & Probate
Let's Talk
Our experts are ready help you.
Our Wills and Probate lawyers can advise on:
Contesting a will
Estate administration (probate/intestacy)
Writing or updating a will
Living wills, advice representation on all mental capacity matters
Mirror wills
Lasting Powers of Attorney
Making a will and children
Dealing with an estate
Applications to the Court of Protection protecting their inheritance)
Elderly and vulnerable care (for people concerned about care home fees and protecting their inheritance)
Administrating the Estate (Advising on and/or conducting all stages of the probate process)
Inheritance Tax Advice (Advising on inheritance tax liability).
Tax Form Assistance (We can help you complete the necessary tax forms).
Probate Applications (Obtain legal authority to handle the estate efficiently).
Finding Missing Beneficiaries (Locate beneficiaries named in the Will).
Estate Claims Advise (We can advise you on handling claims brought against the estate)
Claims under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependents) Act 1975.
You’re in safe hands. Our team can conduct home visits, if needed, and discuss your options with you in the comfort of your home.
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